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tv   BBC News  BBC News  February 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am GMT

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this is bbc news. the headlines: voting in indonesia ends — unofficial results have strongman prabowo in the lead. reports of a military order to evacuate a hospital in gaza, as the un warns an israeli assault in rafah could lead to slaughter. a record number of nato countries will this year hit the defence spending target of 2% of their gdp. and here in the uk, the latest data shows the inflation rate is unchanged at 4%. protesting indian farmers have clashed with the police after resuming their march towards the capital, delhi. there were scenes of chaos at the shambhu border between the northern states of punjab and huryana, where the farmers were stopped on tuesday. the farmers are demanding minimum guaranteed prices for a range of crops, debt relief and a withdrawal of cases registered against some
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of them during previous agitation. our correspondent nitin srivastava highlighted the severity of the situation. well, the situation is getting more and more serious and it is also remounting all of us out here of what happened in 2021. both the government were in negotiations until only two days ago and there seems to be no resolution as of now. delhi has become a fortress and what is to be remembered as also that this capital is a landlocked capital, bordering three big states. the last time when your long process happened in and around the city, all farmers came from all the border cites neighbouring the capital, so thatis
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cites neighbouring the capital, so that is a situation the government is trying to avoid. but the farmers say they are going to press for demands, they feel betrayed. the say it's been just score years before a committee was formed to look into it their grievances but nothing so much from the government yet so the situation remains. i5 from the government yet so the situation remains.— from the government yet so the situation remains. is the main issue the demand — situation remains. is the main issue the demand for _ situation remains. is the main issue the demand for guaranteed - situation remains. is the main issue the demand for guaranteed prices? | situation remains. is the main issue i the demand for guaranteed prices? of course, that has been the main issue, the main bone of contention between the farmers and the government and has been there for almost four years now. the farmers say that there have been several phenomena where they've seen climate change, the loss of crops and many other factors and that is the reason why they say that india being a primarily agrarian economy, the farmers are the ones who have never been looked after by the government policies, everybody else is apparently benefiting, and that's why they say they need some sort of guarantee in term is of the aid and
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also they're demanding a loan for the farming community in india, which runs into millions and millions of dollars if you take into account the whole country. how much dama . e account the whole country. how much damage can — account the whole country. how much damage can disclose _ account the whole country. how much damage can disclose to _ account the whole country. how much damage can disclose to the _ account the whole country. how much damage can disclose to the sector - damage can disclose to the sector and also is it going to affect food prices and the supply of food firms continue to protest like this? well. continue to protest like this? well, es. this continue to protest like this? well, yes- this is — continue to protest like this? well, yes. this is the _ continue to protest like this? well, yes. this is the season _ continue to protest like this? well, yes. this is the season when - continue to protest like this? well, yes. this is the season when the i yes. this is the season when the harvest is being done and we've seen at last time the protest happened, farmers, tens of thousands of them who surrounded the capital city, what they do it with they were actually taking turns to come here and protest and then harvest the fields and come back again. it was a very organised protest we saw back in 2021. as of now, more than 200 farmers unions claim that about 100,000 farmers are set to be
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arriving in and around delhi in the next three days. if that happens, there has to be some mechanism that they have put in place back at their farms to keep stuff running. find they have put in place back at their farms to keep stuff running. and how damauuin is farms to keep stuff running. and how damaging is it _ farms to keep stuff running. and how damaging is it for _ farms to keep stuff running. and how damaging is it for the _ farms to keep stuff running. and how damaging is it for the indian - damaging is it for the indian government to have the scene is happening at the moment? the last time it happened — happening at the moment? the last time it happened there _ happening at the moment? the last time it happened there were - happening at the moment? the last time it happened there were more | time it happened there were more than a dozen deaths, the entire capital came to a standstill, there was problems in ferrying essential goods into the capital. transport was affected and delhi and adjoining areas had millions of commuters had areas had millions of commuters had a harrowing time for months and months medical services were disrupted for some time and then some normal say it was brought in. so it becomes a nightmare for the administration and the authorities to deal with the situation. commuters facing a harrowing time, public transport running to more than at full capacity, overflowing. so it is a difficult and challenging time.
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north korea has hacked into the personal emails of a member of the south korean president's team. the hack happened in the run up to president yoon's state visit to britain last november. north korea's hacking abilities have become increasingly sophisticated, and this is thought to be the first time it has successfully hacked an official working in the president's office. 0ur correspondentjean mackenzie this hack was first reported by a newspaper here in south korea this morning which said it had the information from high—level government source. this source had told them that a member of the president's team had their e—mails hacked just before president yoon went on the state visit to the uk in november of last year, where he met king charles and queen camilla and met the british prime minister rishi sunak. this source claimed that not only were the details of mr yoon's itinerary leaked but also e—mails from the president himself. we've spoken to the presidential office about this today and they've confirmed to us that, yes, this hack took place but they would not disclose what information was accessed in the hack. they were very keen to point out
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to us that this did not mean that their security systems had been breached. they said this was down to one of their employee's careless actions because this employee in question had been using their personal e—mails to conduct work business — so, to plan some of this trip. we know north korea is increasingly using cyber hacking and its methods are becoming more becoming more and more sophisticated. it tends to have a two reasons to hack — the first is to steal money so that it can earn money for the regime, because north korea is under very strict international sanctions which mean it can't earn money in conventional ways, so it still sometimes large sums of money, recently cryptocurrency, and it's thought that some of this goes towards the state's nuclear weapons programme. the other reason that it hacks is to steal state secrets, so like this hack that we saw today, and the ultimate goal of is that it is thought to be to get access to sensitive weapons technology that it can use
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to advance its nuclear weapons programme. the uk's fertility regulator is investigating after an nhs clinic took months to tell more than a hundred women that their frozen eggs and embryos could have been damaged. some of them had had eggs harvested because they were being treated for cancer. guy's hospital in london says a manufacturing fault is to blame, but that it was not obvious when the eggs were first frozen. a robotic lander has been called all. spacex said it was due to record temperatures in the methane load. the next window for the launch is next thursday. the lander is carrying instruments to study precision landing, space weather and other phenomena on the lunar surface. in and we met alex, a
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mother who found herself providing grants of the clock care for her sun. she said the nhs is not providing enough support for severely ill adults and children living outside of hospital. market's grown—up children about severely disabled. theyjust return to their bridlington home from the day centre. forthe bridlington home from the day centre. for the next six hours, the 78—year—old will providing all their care on her own. natalie has cerebral palsy, and andrew has a genetic brain condition that means he has uncontrolled seizures. he needs total care, somebody with him all the time. you can predict signs, but not always, because sometimes theyjust happen out of the blue, no warning. natalie gets some council funded support, but andrew's needs are so high he's eligible for nhs continuing healthcare, which funds support outside hospitals. as with many of the families who've contacted us, margaret says getting enough nhs help is a constant battle.
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i feel there's no understanding of circumstances, no understanding whatsoever, there's no empathy. the support provided also varies hugely depending on where you live. they used to live in dorset where andrew got 24/7 care. for two months after they moved to north yorkshire they got no help at all. his needs hadn't changed. i was having to care for both of them full time. everything? everything, 24/7 care. i would just fall asleep in a chair whenever i sat down and they'd be... i'd wake up and they'd be sitting here waiting for dinner. more than 100 families have been in touch with us, and several things really stand out from what they say. there is huge variation in the support that people get depending on where they live. what appears to be the arbitrary nature of many decisions. and really worryingly, the sheer
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desperation of those families. nhs data demonstrates the postcode lottery faced by families trying to get continuing health care. in some parts of england, 50% of adults who apply will receive funding. in other areas it's just 10%. let's have a look. the nhs in north yorkshire now provides andrew with weekday and overnight care and it's looking for staff to help at weekends. it says it endeavours to provide the most appropriate support. margaret calculates she's still on her own caring for 60 hours a week, and that's having an impact on her physical and mental health. it's my son and daughter and i love them to pieces and i've cared for them all their life. but you just feel you're alone. the government says eligibility for help varies because local areas have different health needs and the nhs, which isjuggling rising demand and staff shortages, says decisions are based on individual cases,
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with national guidelines ensuring a consistent approach. the government says that these care packages are delivered by individual care boards and due to differing health needs, there will always be some variation in eligibility across different parts of england. the democrats have won a special election for a seat left vacant by george santos. this is a boost for the party in the lead up to the presidential election. it also chips away at the republicans at�* slim majority in the house. the australian state of victoria is cleaning up and restoring services after two natural disasters. unpredictable fires, many sparked by lightning, a set of destroyed dozens
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of homes in western victoria. several major places are still burning but favourable weather conditions are now helping firefighters. 0ver200,000 victorians are still without electricity. with big elections around the world this year, including in india and the us, there's plenty of concern about the way artificial intelligence and deepfakes could be abused and used to spread mistruths. in fact, it has already happened. last year, an ai=generated, fake audio clip of the london mayor sadiq khan was shared hundreds of thousands of times online. the clip was so convincing that it enflammed protests in the real world. 0ur disinformation and social media correspondent marianna spring reports last november, sadiq khan was the target of a deepfake audio recording. i control the met police. they will do, as the
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mayor of london tells them and obey orders. it was deliberately made to give the impression that i'd said what i hadn't said, but it looked and sounded so authentic. you know, we did get concerned very quickly about what impression it may create. the timing explains why the clip went viral. whether or not a pro—palestinian march should take place on saturday, the 11th of november, armistice day, was a source of political tension. the march went ahead, but there were concerns the faked clip fanned tensions at a counter—protest. we almost had serious disorder that weekend. as it was, there were elements of the far right there, police officers were injured, arrests were made. butjust imagine in a different scenario, where there's more toxicity or, for example, in a close election, close referenda, times where there's disharmony in a community, the impact a deepfake audio, an ai—generated audio video, could have. i hunted down the suspected creator of this deepfake, an account named hjb news. the man behind the profile, henry, called me on the phone. he refused a recorded interview, but he did
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allow his words to be voiced up by an actor based on my notes. all of the evidence i've found on social media suggests you were the first person who posted it, and if you weren't the first, then at least you were one of the very first. no comment. i'm trying to report just real news. well, except for the fake clip of sadiq khan. well, yeah, but it's not all fake clips. it's not all fake clips. we post news that could be real with a sense of humour. other social media users who played a part in making the clip go viral did show remorse, though. foolishly, and to my. detriment, you know, and shame, i put it out. what was the reaction when you first shared it? well, within an hour, - 200,000 people had seen it. the metropolitan police, who initially said they were investigating the case, dropped it, stating that the faked audio does not constitute a criminal offense. a clip like this one has both a personal impact and wider repercussions. you've got friends and family
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who see this stuff and it's deeply upsetting to you. i've got two daughters, i've got a wife. it's far too easy now for people to use technology to cause problems. and i criticise my profession for not evolving fast enough to address some of the challenges that this brings. the current laws we have around copyright, ip, the criminal law aren't fit for purpose. and that will be the worry of some politicians as elections unfold across the world this year — how ai technology can be easily manipulated to spread something you never even said. the president of the dominican republic is one that neighbouring haiti is on the verge of civil war. he wind un security council that haiti's collapse because of gang violence could soon become irreversible and the dominican
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republic will fight to avoid being dragged into the same base. he called for the immediate deployment of a promised multinational to haiti. italian climate change activists have plastered images of flooding on the glass panel protecting a botticelli masterpiece. there was no damage to the 15th—century painting, birth of venus, at the uffiz museum, in florence. police arrested the pair, one of whom accused the italian authorities of preferring to toughen punishments for protestors than work to avert climate disaster. the latest protest comes after parliament increased penalties for anyone damaging cultural monuments. it's almost five years since the spire on notre dame cathedral in paris, collapsed during a devastating fire. since then, the cathedral has been obscured from view, covered in scaffolding as restoration work was undertaken. now a section of the spire is finally visible once again, as hugh scofield reports from paris.
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it's like the beginning of the end. for the first time in five years, the scaffolding on notre dame is not going up, but coming down — revealing, for now, just the very pinnacle of the new spire, surmounted by a cross and a statuette of a golden cock, just like the one that disappeared in the blaze. translation: so, it's five years since i saw the fire. _ it was a terrible thing for france. when i open the window in the morning now, i can see the spire. it's beautiful and much better than before. the spire is made of oak beams and, for the craftsmen and women, the last task before the scaffolding comes down is cladding the wood in lead — the soft metal malleable enough to show the beauty of what lies beneath. after this phase, it's the rest of the roof that will need to be covered with new safety mechanisms to cut the risk of another fire. when they said after the fire that they'd have the cathedral restored and operational again within five years, there was a great deal of scepticism. well, it's now 2024 and — fair�*s fair — everything does seem on course for the planned opening in december. they're very aware here that the eyes, notjust
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of france but of the world, are on the cathedral. its resurrection a much—needed sign of hope. there's new evidence suggesting more human—like antics among great apes. scientists say they've compiled the first detailed proof that like to tease each other. video studies of bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans showed behaviours injuveniles, including elements of surprise and play. evidence of mostly one—sided teasing included hair—pulling, poking, and offering an object before whisking it away at the last moment. hundreds of volunteers have been helping toads and other amphibians cross the road to get their breeding grounds in lakes and ponds after emerging from their winter hideaways. they follow the same route no matter what's in their way
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and always return to where they were born. 0ne road near bath, in the west of england, has been closed by the council for six weeks so the migration can be managed. 0ur correspondent dan johnson reports. they like it best when it's not too cold, so it's over 7 degrees, and it's like this — raining. you really have to get your eye in and sort the leaves from the frogs and toads. the daily exercise is running down the road in front of cars and this one, fortunately, wasn't going too fast, so i rescued the toad. it's notjust toads. that's a frog and that's a toad. yeah. a wet evening brings all the amphibians to the pond. if we didn't do it, then i think there would be a lot of casualties down the lane. so we're doing our bit, we're helping these guys down to their lake. it is mating season, but the road poses a risk. it's a slippery one! until these hands help ensure a safe hop across. is it alive? yeah.
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it's very still. 0h! it's a frog. a dead frog. not everyone makes it, as sisters isadora and iris sadly found out. we're looking for frogs, toads, newts. they're kind of migrating to where they were born, to mate. because of this road here, they get run over. cause of death is clear, but species can be in question. we found a dead frog in the road. it was a toad, iris. i think it was a frog. no, it was definitely toad. no, it was a frog. no, it was definitely a toad. that was a frog. no, there was definitely a toad. it was big, warty and adorable. residents are still using this lane, so kids are discouraged from the nocturnalfrog hunt. they�* re pretty fortunate here because they can actually close the road for six weeks, but that's not possible everywhere. so there are other toad patrols out and about trying to save these guys from the traffic.
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last year, 115,000 toads and frogs and newts were saved. that's actually quite a lot, if you think about it — that they have individually been picked up and taken across the road by volunteers all around the country just thinking, we need to do something here, we can't have them getting squashed on the road. so, in here, we've got four toads. before long, it's a deluge. they've had 500 in one night. i was going to put them outjust up the lane a little bit. thousands will be saved over these next few weeks just here alone. you can see him from above. oh, there we go. 0ne. yeah. you didn't want to go in the bucket, now you don't want to go out! another one's released, having made it to safety without croaking. tributes have been paid to one of britain's best—loved broadcasters, the bbc dj steve wright, who's died at the age of 69. he delighted listeners of radio 2, and before that, radio 1, for more than 40 years.
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his final programme, a special valentine's day edition of his love songs programme, was broadcast on sunday. david sillito looks back at his life. steve wright! # steve wright in the afternoon #. all right, now, just after two o'clock. now, today, have we got a lot of stuff for you! steve wright in the afternoon, a programme that spanned more than 40 years of radio history. stand by, studios. action! it was only over a year ago that it came to an end, but this afternoon, radio 2 was the bearer of some sad news. it's really hard to know - what to say about the news of steve wright's passing, except we are all - absolutely devastated. it is a shock. it was only days ago listeners heard this sign—off from his sunday love songs. and i'm back for more love songs next sunday. is he really? are you a milkman? 0h, great! and for those who've worked with him over his years at radios 1 and 2, he was more than just another dj. from my personal experience,
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he was a very warm, genuine man who was concerned about the people he worked with. but an extraordinarily creative presenter. i mean, he was a real one—off. there was no—one else who sounded like steve wright. a lot of us tried to be as good as steve wright, but no—one, no—one was that good. # steve wright!# that style, the posse, mr angry, voice—over man — it was zany, funny and, at its peak, it had 7 million listeners a day. and the bride is 107. all: yes, yes, yes! i think it was just because it was something different. it was slightly subversive. there was a little bit of satire in there and it wasn't like, "there you go, that's the great sound of..." behind the fun and laughter was a radio perfectionist. he wasn't necessarily the character you heard on the radio — _ full of life and effervescent - and this frantic, frenetic delivery. he was a quieter person. i would say almost -
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an introvert, quite shy. and that meant that when you felt you were friends with him, - it was very, very real. this cacophony of sound that was his show was so, so full of life. - i think that's why we're all finding it so hard, . because we can't believe that that life has gone _ hello, good evening and welcome to top of the pops. he did present top of the pops and a few tv shows but his home and where he shone was behind the microphone. steve wright — professional, slick, funny and a master of the art of radio. now it's time for a look at the weather with carol kirkwood. hello again. for many of us today, fairly cloudy and rain on and off. but north of scotland sees something slightly different, here we have clearer skies and fresher conditions. for the rest of the uk, these weather fronts moving from the south, northwards and eastwards. in between them, some brightness developing across north wales
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and the midlands into east anglia, but you can also see where we've got the clearest skies, temperatures here between 6 and 8 degrees, milder for northern ireland, the rest of england and wales. well into double figures, 15 at best. through this evening and overnight, bands of rain push northwards, taking all this cloud with them. some of that will be heavy and persistent across northern england and scotland and quite a mild night, thatair pushing further north. in aboyne it was —4, tommoow morning, +5. tomorrow, ourfronts moving north and all this mild air coming up from the near continetn before this later thsi weather front comes in bringing more rain. another fairly cloudy day for most, the rain continuing to push northwards across scotland and then we have the second front coming in bringing rain as well but ahead of it and behind it, brighterskies.
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tomorrow, across the eastern england, up to 17 degrees with the milder are air pushing further north across scotland as well. thursday into friday, the rain eventually pushes away with the wind changing direction, so temperatures dipping a little bit but still mild. there goes the rain, a fair bit of cloud left in its wake with some showers here or there but equally, bright weather too. instead of temperatures being 17, it will peak around 14. you can see too across scotland into northern ireland, between eight and 12 degrees. on saturday, cloudy again for many, brighter breaks developing but later on, another front sweeping into the west, bringing rain and strengthening winds as well. temperatures from six, in lerwick, up to 14 in the south of england and south wales.
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live from london, this is bbc news. voting in indonesia ends — unofficial results have strongman prabowo in the lead. i'm injakarta at the venue of prabowo subianto's watch party, as he surges ahead. ukraine military
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says it has destroyed a warship in its territorial waters of crimea. a record number of nato countries will this year hit the defence spending target this year. this year, i expect 18 allies to spend 2% of their gdp on defence. and here in the uk, latest data shows the inflation rate is unchanged at 4%. we start this hour in indonesia, where polls have closed in what's billed as the largest and most complex one—day election in the world. more than 200 million people were eligible to vote in the world's third—largest democracy. the election took place in the country's 17,000 islands, across three time zones. the front runner, defence minister prabowo subianto, is hoping to win the presidential vote outright to avoid a second round. the former general is up against two former provincial governors in the contest to replace
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the popular outgoing presidentjoko widodo.


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